Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Communication in Business for Conflict Management- myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theCommunication in Business for Conflict Management. Answer: Introduction The report is the reflective journal and discusses the communication in business. There are two topics taken from the course and experiences of these services have been recorded. The report is the view to enhancing the skills and knowledge in the context of the subject. It is constructed for increasing the learning and improving the performance of the students. The ideas and opinion of the students are marked to analyze what understanding they develop. The two topics selected are conflict management and social media. Conflict management has been explained and the ways to resolve the conflict will be quoted. For that, an event of the college is explained. Then the interpretation and evaluation of both the topic have been done. The reflection, queries and future perspective have been elucidated keeping in view the conflict management and social media. Social media is the great idea to flourish the business and gain the consumer base. Overall, the report deals with the knowledge and awareness that one should have. Also, the view was to develop the understanding and own perspective of seeing the things and act accordingly in the future. Conflict Management The service sector is the area where the most commonly occurring issues are the unhappy customers. The conflict arises due to the dissatisfaction among the customers or the needs are not fulfilled. The desires and demands vary from person to person and therefore it becomes the critical task to accomplish everyones need and one cannot give the statements like it was customers mistake or thats not fair on the part of consumer because consumers are always superior (Kessels, 2016). Describing the event I participated in the college event and was the part of the inter-college team and went to another college as a representative. The quiz competition was to be held and extempore was going on at that moment of time. What I could analyze from the scenario was the management skills of the college and the support of students; the way they handle the crowd and the manner they volunteered other students like us. They were peaceful and friendly handling all the situations and the program was on the track (Einarsen et al, 2016). The sudden conflict between this was seen by the students yet from another college and they were disrespecting and howling on the host volunteers on not welcoming and providing the adequate space. Though the volunteers were allotting the seats as they were instructed the situation got worsened and one of their staff had to come and deal with the situation. The faculty not only supported their students but also genuinely handled the situation by making those students comfortable at their seats using the polite and respectful language and better communication. This flashed the good management image of the college and the way professor motivated the students and simultaneously resolved the conflict in a peaceful manner just by using few polite words was adorable (Beitler et al, 2016). Interpretation and evaluation of situation On analyzing the entire solution it could be interpreted that conflict management needs to be focused not only theoretically but practically as well. Such an event helps the student like us to know how the things are managed, management does not mean to go smooth but the better management is how you hold back the situation when it gets worsened. It was learned that in an organization the conflicts are likely to occur and the prime responsibility of the company is to satisfy the customer and in doing so many times the employee's fault is been calculated as the customers cannot be blamed. From the above situation though it was on the small scale learning grows from the base only. It changes my perspective in the manner that the teacher not only helped the guest from the other college and calms them down in a soothing manner through better communication but also supported their very own students who were volunteering and encouraged them as well to boost up the morale (Canary Weger, 201 6). The power of communication and genuine body language is learned through it. The effective communication and use of wise words could resolve the adverse situation and the dual motives get fulfilled simultaneously and this is what effective management is and how the conflicts could be resolved. In the organizations as well if the manager adopts the particular conflict resolution strategies it would result in better employee performance and gain the customer loyalty as well (Kirk, 2017). Importance of these learnings The importance of this learning is that it will help me in the near future when I will be in the competitive market and will be working in the organization. Earlier my thoughts to conflict management was to have the particular cell who solves the grievance and the customers are convinced on the high notice and just for their satisfaction the employee though being correct at his/her part was made to apologise so that the happy customers are gained, in doing so the respect and worth of the employees gets lost somewhere (Fisher, 2016). This situation was not only good source of information for me but also for those students to whom the teacher supported. The question arises that will it be possible to implement the same in the real world? Do the organizations support their staff in a similar way? On researching it was found that big organization follows the similar criteria, they scold or make the employees learn about the things in person over the desk but in front of the guests, they are highly supported to reflect the positive and united image to the customers. Choosing the effective communication skills and other forms of gestures and body language could be used to convince the customer and through mutual understanding between employer-employee, the circumstances could be peacefully handled. If in future I got to be the part of organisation I would rather choose these short and sweet tricks to resolve the conflict and for this appropriate analysis and evaluation of situation will be done and the person involved in conflict will be made to learn things in private and I will support my staff in public to enhance the employee engagement and organisational commitment of the employees (McKibben, 2017). Social Media Information technology has taken over the market in the past 20 years and the development has been noted in the term of social media. The expansion of social media is spreading with the great pace and technology is playing the vital role in increasing the contacts and connections of people. It has become beneficial from the point of view of the business as it eases the promotional policies and the business could be growing its branches over the social media (Gaitho, 2017). Describing the event As quoted in social media is the good source of marketing. One of such events is the exhibition cum sale program to be organized in the college premises to make students gain the practical knowledge of mark1et and how the deals are done and adequate sales profit maximisation are accomplished. In order to invite more and more people, the promotion was made on the social media using the social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook and other relevant sites (Erickson, 2011). The glimpses of the event were shared and before the final date the registration for the stalls were made and the hike promotions were made. The schemes were attached to the products and even the sponsorship was asked and using the social media and demonstrating the importance and benefits of sponsorship to the people. The experience there was unique; many people came with the reference of things posted on the social media and the experienced candidates appreciated the efforts made by commenting on it and applaudi ng personally at the exhibition. The marketing tactics were made to learn by the professors and the power of social media was realized when our material that we created and were exhibiting was uploaded on YouTube and people were calling to inquire about our product which was created by using the waste material. It gave the idea of starting up the business of creating wows from the wastes (Kaur, 2016). Interpretation and evaluation of situation From the above event, it could be analyzed that with the use of social media even the new business could be established overseas with very minimal investment. Now days people are highly active on the social media and prefer the online shopping as it saves the time and varieties are made available on just one click which could be opted as the good manner to make the start-up. My idea was preparing the home dcor out of the waste material to convert the waste into wow. Even our stall was named as Waste to Wow where the essential and beautiful things were made available at the minimal rate. People were highly attracted to our products and were asking how we made such an effective thing. The real power of social media was realized that day when people clicked and posted our products on the social sites and YouTube and we were getting the orders over the call. Even there were calls for the sponsorship, even our own sponsors were happy enough with our work and offered us the investment as o ur plan was not only recycled but helping the environment and supporting the social cause as well. Some of the NGO get to know about the product and they gave the orders to supply the products to poor people as well. I gained many ideas and schemes which if connected could help the business acquire popularity and result in maximising sales and increasing the profits thereby (Thakur, Singh Singh, 2016). Importance of these learnings The event gave lots of learnings in context of the appropriate use of social media. Before this day it was the source of collecting newsfeed and sharing of thoughts. But it could be so effectively used for the business enhancement is learned on the day when my products gained such a tremendous popularity. The magic of social media helped me select the field of interest and clarify the thought on starting the business (Effing Spil, 2016). I had the interaction with the business person and sponsors at the exhibition and my query as to how to target the market? How the positioning could be done and what pricing strategies should I adopt? The experts rendered there advice to target the NGO at the initial level and mark the minimal profit margin at the initial point so that bulk orders could be collected. The knowledge enhancement was made on how to connect with the people with your business. The survey stated that 78% small business flourishes on the social media and attracts the niche market to gain optimum positioning (Growth gurus, 2017). Conclusion It could be concluded that theoretically things may be understood but only the practical exposure explains the situation better. The topics selected are conflict management and social media which are a crucial point to be understood before stepping in the real competitive world. Firstly the conflict management has been learned through the event organized in the inter-college activities and its description and interpretation have been given along with the reflection of the situation the queries and the new opinions developed have been discussed and similarly, the social media case has been elucidated and learning upon it is developed. The outcomes were wonderful and the path for a career has been decided to ensure the future. References Beitler, L. A., Beitler, L. A., Machowski, S., Machowski, S., Johnson, S., Johnson, S., Zapf, D. (2016). Conflict management and age in service professions.International Journal of Conflict Management. 27(3). 302-330. Canary, D. J., Weger, H. (2016). Competence in Conflict Management.The International Encyclopedia of Interpersonal Communication. Effing, R., Spil, T. A. (2016). The social strategy cone: Towards a framework for evaluating social media strategies.International journal of information management,36(1), 1-8. 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