Friday, May 15, 2020

Poverty Can Be Defined As The State Of Being Poor

Angel Rosales Professor Nkosi Sociology 2 December 2015 Poverty in America Poverty can be defined as the state of being poor which refers to the deprivation or insufficiency of basic needs which include food, water, shelter, clothing, and education. In America, poverty affects millions of people with a poverty rate of almost 15%. Poverty is an important social problem to address because it affects everyone in a society either directly or indirectly. Those that are affected directly are about 47 million people with a majority of those being in certain groups that are at a higher risks of living in poverty such as families with children, single parents, certain ethnic minorities, or people with disabilities, however, poverty can still affect anyone, in any group. The number of people in poverty will likely rise due to the long recession, low job growth, and cuts on state services. People living in poverty struggle day to day with the lack of proper resources when they don t have equal opportunities for a good paying job which is why they remain poor. According to the U.S. Census Bureau Poverty Thresholds, 2012, a family of four making under about $24,000 is living below the federal poverty line. In our society, poverty causes other social issues such as crime or inequality, therefore, fixing the problem of poverty will help improve society and the lives of millions of people. One of the groups affected by poverty are students. The Washington Post reported that the majorityShow MoreRelatedPoverty Is The Most Far Reaching Social Problem847 Words   |  4 PagesPoverty is the most far reaching social problem that the population of the world faces today. Poverty does not discriminate against race or age. History has show that even social classes living above the poverty line are not safe from the treat of poverty(Meissnerd). 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