Thursday, August 27, 2020

Obama and His Decisions on Deportations of Illegal Inmigrants Essay

Obama and His Decisions on Deportations of Illegal Inmigrants - Essay Example The two gatherings composed this enactment in 2011. While the Democrats passed the Dream Act, the Republicans never affirmed of it. The republicans avoided the bill after it got 55 votes in the Senate (Bray, 2006). The bill didn't change in any capacity just legislative issues changed. Obama’s choice would have both a positive and negative impact to the undocumented settlers in the US. It would have neither rhyme nor reason oust the â€Å"dreamers† who may be capable and be of tremendous advantage to the financial advancement of the Nation. This is on the grounds that they were raised as residents of the US and they comprehend themselves as a piece of it. Removing such youthful ability would be a misfortune and vile in light of the fact that they would serve the military or contribute in the economy as businesspersons. The way that they were conceived of undocumented guardians isn't their deficiency. It is better centering the movement authorization in the legitimate sp ots. It is better organizing outskirt security (Gerber, 2011). The Department of country security should concentrate on lifting the shadow of expulsion from these â€Å"dreamers†. People who are not a danger to US security are allowed to apply for work approval. The congress should act legitimately. This year there is the ideal opportunity for the Dream Act to be section, since this would give these children time to design their lives in over 2-year increases. The section of the far reaching migration change that will address the 21st century security and monetary needs is critical. This change will give the farmers and ranchers sureness about their works. This change should give innovation and science segments certainty the youthful foreigners who come Earn Ph.D.s. They, thusly, won't be compelled to relocate and begin their organizations in different nations. These changes ought to improve the US fringe security and keep up their legacy of foreigners and law. This is a simi lar change that Ted Kennedy, John Mc Cain supported (Lopez, 2005). I accept that president Obama made the best decision on the grounds that actually I have been with such gatherings of youngsters. These individuals are committed to difficult work and discussion about what is best for the US. I realize that some of them have live under the dread of extradition. Some of them have faced extraordinary challenges and to their fates to add to the status of America. There have been accounts of Americans in holy places and schools and social orders the nation over that have bolstered them and revitalized behind them. The have all guide them for better fates and professions and from dread, since this country is something other than extraditing honest youngsters. This is the correct activity supposing that allowed to live in America, the kids will be remarkable commitments to the economy. I have a relative who is working in the military, putting forth a valiant effort to ensure this nation. T here is, in this way, no motivation to regard them as expendables. This move has arrived in a political decision year. It will support votes from Hispanics in a basic state like Florida, Nevada and Colorado. In any case, Latinos have been tempered by the moderate monetary recuperation and Obama’s failure to win support for update of movement laws and the animosity of the organizations extradition strategy ((Lopez, 2005). Activists against this strategy went on a yearning strike at his battle office in Denver. Congressional Republicans are probably going to be against this move and would see Obama’

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Education Improvements Essay

With a huge range of instructive sources accessible on the web or by utilizing innovation which is associated with sight and sound, it is just unavoidable that a lot of encouraging will be utilized along these lines. Points of interest may incorporate improved effectiveness, intrigued learning and a feeling of delight for more youthful students. Customary study hall based encouraging should cooperate with the advances of PC based figuring out how to satisfy and extend the students information. Book reference www. computerweekly. com www. mit. com www. nhs. com www. bbc. co. uk. As innovation has developed quickly in and around our condition, open administrations are presently consistently presenting interactive media and different types of PC based applications. The Territorial Army (TA) and the National Health Service (NHS) are two that have advanced significantly inside the most recent ten years according to innovation. The TA has a few innovative insight and weaponry applications and the NHS has such fundamental current gear all executing some type of media. With this it should just bode well that interactive media be remembered for another significant segment, Education. Inside the most recent five years mixed media and instruction have reinforced well to deliver some useful data. This has gotten promptly accessible for kids as youthful as two up to grown-ups taking an interest in instruction through grown-up learning plans. The most huge and direct approach to see these kinds of data is from the World Wide Web (WWW). The closeness among essential and college study is that they should be online uncertainly. In spite of the fact that they need web get to it should not be a constrained bundle. The association they apply must be snappy and compelling in any case clients will build up a languid disposition towards the thought. Inside the most recent a year there has been a flood in essential and auxiliary schools specifically enquiring about remote associations. Numerous schools are seeing this type of association because of its minimal effort and adaptability. PCs can be moved starting with one study hall then onto the next, instead of having a fixed station. A case of sight and sound utilized inside instruction is a task pointed towards irritated youngsters to support them once again into learning. Intuitive science, making advanced music and building virtual 3D craftsmanship displays are a portion of the applications which are utilized and made. The principle thought behind the task is to build up a steady bond among understudy and educator with the utilization of I. T. Different results which are ideally accomplished is the better maintenance of the innovation they are utilizing (both understudy and instructor). In the event that the ideal opportunity for this innovation is utilized admirably and gainfully with the school condition it could have and necessary impact in the students propels post instruction, in any case in the event that the understudy isn't responsive to new types of educating, at that point the appropriate response must lie somewhere else. Ian Peacock director of Hackney Council’s Education Committee said â€Å"We need to guarantee that the children’s utilization of PCs in the study hall gives a portion of the buzz they get from playing media-concentrated games in their relaxation time†. (ComputerWeekly, 2001). As instruction and sight and sound inside the ages of two to sixteen is critical, the training of the more established age gathering ought to likewise be viewed as imperative for those ready to extend their aptitudes and get the significant information. This next type of learning through methods for sight and sound shows how far the innovation has created to provide food for this age gathering. MIT Open Courseware is intended to: †?Provide free, accessible, access to MIT’s course materials for instructors, understudies, and self-students around the globe. ?Expand the span and effect of MIT OCW and the â€Å"open courseware† idea. There is a wide assortment of courses to select, from history to atomic designing. The site is focused on self-students who can sign on anyplace on the planet and begin getting to data on their picked subject. Talk notes and assignments are completely included similarly as though they were concentrating in University. This type of examining is exceptionally comfortable at present with in excess of 2000 courses accessible on the web revealed by 1996. That number has developed logically and there are courses accessible today to suit most of clients whatever their subject. These online courses end up being noteworthy to the individuals who possibly can't manage the cost of expenses towards college or who live to a long way from any instructing foundation. â€Å"We live in an extremely provincial zone. Access to quality instructive materials is a 225-mile drive to the closest library of any centrality. † (Self Learner MIT, 2005).

Friday, August 21, 2020

Stem Essay Topics - The Challenges of Middle School in the Summer

Stem Essay Topics - The Challenges of Middle School in the SummerIn the summer, when I was in middle school, I found that I had a lot of trouble with my essay writing. This wasn't as unusual as it may sound because middle school is generally a struggle for most students who are struggling to cope with their new school routine. Still, during those stressful and trying years, it was easy to get caught up in the demands of middle school that I failed to fully focus on the writing part of my project.The biggest reason why I found myself struggling with my essay topics was that I was too busy with other activities in middle school. I loved playing sports, but they seemed to take up most of my free time. The summer before I entered middle school I had been playing baseball for four years in high school, so the pressure of playing baseball seemed to take over all of my leisure time.I've always struggled with essay topics, but this time was especially difficult. Since I knew that I had a lot of free time in the summer between my baseball seasons, I decided to tackle the essay writing during this period. However, it seemed to me that writing in the summer time was much more demanding than I had been accustomed to in high school. I should have realized this earlier, but as soon as I took a step back, I began to realize just how much more demanding this summer time period could be.Not only was my essay topics going to be more demanding, but my grades were going to suffer as well. It wasn't only that I was spending most of my free time doing things like practicing my pitching, but I was also getting little breaks where I could get away from my work. When I was done with baseball season, I was still catching up on summer reading, talking to friends, and doing anything else that I could do to avoid getting serious about my essay topics.I was so focused on my summer that I never bothered to look at my essay topics until I finished all of my work and did my summer reading. Of course, this was easy for me to do since I was supposed to write every single night and write my work for the next day. While this was very much the case, the summer was an easy excuse for me to neglect my projects and I didn't use it properly.I felt that my essay topics were really getting a raw deal in the summer of middle school. I wanted to do well in school and finish my projects in the fall, but the stresses of school seemed to take over my time in the summer. I wanted to show my teachers that I was a good student, but the stress of school was taking all of my free time. I couldn't help but worry about how I was doing in school and how I was going to do in my projects.One way that I managed to keep myself from getting too stressed out about my essay topics was to take advantage of my free time during the summer. Even though I didn't want to spend much time reading my papers, I was still allowed to do it during the summer. I used my free time to read books, play baseball, or do other things that I enjoyed in the summer.After my summer reading, summer baseball, and summer baseball practices, I finally had time to spend time working on my essay topics. Once I finished, I was able to put all of my essay topics together and I now feel much better about how I am doing in my school.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Essay about Individual Freedom in Melvilles Bartleby,...

Individual Freedom in Melvilles Bartleby, the Scrivener What motivates you to go to work everyday? What motivates you to dress the way you do? What motivates you to be reasonable when it comes to normal requests? Ah, the ultimate question in need of an answer: Who determines what is reasonable and normal, and should we not determine these matters for ourselves? Chaos would result, you say, if every individual were granted that freedom. Yet, we all do have that freedom, and Herman Melville (1819-1891) through the interpretation of a man who prefers to follow his own path in Bartleby, the Scrivener, subjectively conveys the mental anguish he experienced as a writer and man when the literary world attempted to steal that freedom.†¦show more content†¦To force himself to live by the standards of normalcy set forth by society would be to kill the man who lived within. Bartleby did choose physical death over conformity at the end of the story. Melville chose a different path than Bartleby, not a physical death, but a death all the same . Through Bartleby, Melville describes the deadness he feels within when having to conform his writings to the reasonable standards and common usage of literature. For Melville, the doorway that would lead to acceptance in the literary world was barred shut to his entry, the hinge held firmly in place by his own creativity, sparred by his own internal sense of reason. To walk across the threshold would require the loosening of the hinge. With the axis of his soul sliding downward, Melville stepped through the doorway. Melville quickly realized it was the doorway to hell. He had stepped into a world of mental torment; mental torment that even the good Reverend Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758) whose sermons of fiery damnation could not measure up to (503). He had sold into slavery his mind and soul to the bidders of the celebrated literary world. Melvilles gains were minimal when weighed against his losses. He shared with Nathaniel Hawthorne his inner turmoil, What I feel most moved to write , that is banned, - it will not pay. Yet, altogether, write the other way I cannot.Show MoreRelatedBartleby, the Scrivener the Lady with the Dog Essay1399 Words   |  6 Pagesand social norms. Anna and Gurov in ‘The Lady with the Dog’ are restrained by the socially expected conventions in their marriages, inhibiting their ability to express their inner compulsion of desire. Chekov reveals their yearning to escape their individual lives as they cope with personal troubles by distancing themselves from marriage through a sexual relationship with each other. When away from the city of Yalta, their lives seem their own without the social constraint forced upon them; howeverRead MoreEssay on American Capitalist Society In The 19th Century1849 Words   |  8 PagesHerman Melville’s Utilization of Bartleby the Scrivener: the Story of Wall Street As a Means of Criticizing Capitalism and Its Crimes Against Humanity Herman Melvilles Bartleby, The Scrivener: A Story of Wall Street scrutinizes the alienation of labor, the social ideologies and the dehumanizing consequences of the American capitalist society in the 19th century. Bartleby is the main character in the story. The other characters in the story, Ginger Nut, Nippers and Turkey, barelyRead MoreThe Scarlet Letter And Bartleby, The Scrivener1251 Words   |  6 Pageswoman in the Puritan Era who is convicted of adultery and has to face being a social outcast. Herman Melville examines the story of Bartleby, a copyist who mysteriously refuses to work and is, therefore, put in jail. In The Scarlet Letter and Bartleby, the Scrivener: A Story of Wall-street, Hawthorne and Melville use the characterization of Hester Prynne and Bartleby and their independent behavior to critique the effect society’s evils have on the Romantic ideal of individualism in order to remindRead MoreBartleby, The Scrivener : A Story Of Wall Street1407 Words   |  6 Pagespsychotherapist, Pearls’ quote casts a spot light on social awareness versus self- independence and nonconformity. Similar to the short story â€Å"Bartleby, the Scrivener: A Story of Wall Street†, published in Putnam’s Monthly Magazine in 1853 by He rman Melville. The narrator, is an elderly lawyer with a small time firm who hires a scrivener named Bartleby. In the beginning Bartleby does the work asked of him by the lawyer but as time progresses he stops working completely using the phrase â€Å"I would prefer not to†Read More The Uncompromising Code of Bartleby the Scrivener Essay1657 Words   |  7 PagesThe Uncompromising Code of Bartleby the Scrivener  Ã‚     Ã‚   There are certain social codes that we are expected to follow. They are too numerous and obscure to know-but for the most part, they dont need to be known. The unspoken, unwritten set of rules we are obligated to live by are subtly imbued in us from birth. When we live outside those boundaries and follow our own desires, we are walking on thin ice. An eccentric choice in wardrobe or unusual habits can make the difference between beingRead MoreBook Review : The Scrivener And Kate Chopin s Story Of An Hour 1581 Words   |  7 Pagessociety has attempted to control its individuals on the premises of providing stability, security, and social acceptance. In the Romantic era, writers took to their pens to cleverly express their outright dissent with regards to the laws and norms. This is the case presented in both Herman Melville’s Bartleby, The Scrivener and Kate Chopin’s Story of an Hour. Both of them vividly illustrate the enigma that is humanity and how the rul es and law do not facilitate individual development to a large extent.Read More Herman Melvilles Bartleby, the Scrivener Essay3521 Words   |  15 PagesHerman Melvilles Bartleby, the Scrivener The narrator states fairly early on in Herman Melvilles Bartleby, the Scrivener that both he and Bartleby are sons of Adam (55). The phrase plays on a double entendre, referring to both the Calvinist Biblical Eden and to the view of America as the new Eden. Many recent critics have traced the biblical aspects of this and other elemen ts of the story, claiming the character of Bartleby as a Christ-figure, and as such carries out the role of aRead MoreThe Industrial Revolution And Its Impact On Society And The Business World1668 Words   |  7 Pagesbusiness world. This impact is keenly felt throughout Bartleby as Herman Melville tries to illustrate the strong sense of tension and dread that manifests during the industrial revolution. The source of these sensations comes from the growing influence of technology. The industrial revolution hailed a plethora of new technology all centered on business, commerce, and productivity. However, with the increasing efficiency of technology, indi viduals preforming the same tasks are expected to work withRead More The Plight of the Common Man in Herman Melvilles Bartleby, the Scrivener4258 Words   |  18 PagesGeorge Edward Woodberry, author of the Heart of Man, published in 1899, emphasized the significance of the role of the individual as an active and equal partner in American democratic rule: The doctrine of the equality of mankind by virtue of their birth as men, with its consequent right to equality of opportunity for self-development as a part of social justice, establishes a common basis of conviction, in respect to man, and a definite end as one main object of the State; and these elements areRead MoreAnalysis Of Herman Melville s Short Stories1812 Words   |  8 Pagesspecific viewpoint or approach. What we interpret to be true and what is reality are two different things. Modern life has provocations that surround us as we rely heavily on them to inform us how to place and categorize individuals in the world. The characters in Herman Melville’s short stories, through their dialogue, direct characterization, and physical appearances, forces us to use human perception to understand them and to slowly unfold the truth about them. Perception is the act of employing

Friday, May 15, 2020

Poverty Can Be Defined As The State Of Being Poor

Angel Rosales Professor Nkosi Sociology 2 December 2015 Poverty in America Poverty can be defined as the state of being poor which refers to the deprivation or insufficiency of basic needs which include food, water, shelter, clothing, and education. In America, poverty affects millions of people with a poverty rate of almost 15%. Poverty is an important social problem to address because it affects everyone in a society either directly or indirectly. Those that are affected directly are about 47 million people with a majority of those being in certain groups that are at a higher risks of living in poverty such as families with children, single parents, certain ethnic minorities, or people with disabilities, however, poverty can still affect anyone, in any group. The number of people in poverty will likely rise due to the long recession, low job growth, and cuts on state services. People living in poverty struggle day to day with the lack of proper resources when they don t have equal opportunities for a good paying job which is why they remain poor. According to the U.S. Census Bureau Poverty Thresholds, 2012, a family of four making under about $24,000 is living below the federal poverty line. In our society, poverty causes other social issues such as crime or inequality, therefore, fixing the problem of poverty will help improve society and the lives of millions of people. One of the groups affected by poverty are students. The Washington Post reported that the majorityShow MoreRelatedPoverty Is The Most Far Reaching Social Problem847 Words   |  4 PagesPoverty is the most far reaching social problem that the population of the world faces today. Poverty does not discriminate against race or age. History has show that even social classes living above the poverty line are not safe from the treat of poverty(Meissnerd). A social problem is defined as a condition that undermines the well-being of some or all members of a society and is usually a matter of public controversy(Macionis).† Poverty is defined as the state of one who lacks a usual or sociallyRead MoreSociology : A Social Science850 Words   |  4 Pagestoday is poverty. Most Americans are aware of this problem, primarily through subjective reality. Poverty is often broken into two groups: absolute poverty and relative poverty. â€Å"Absolute poverty refers to a lack of basic necessities such as food, shelter, and income. Relative poverty refers to a situation in which some people fail to achieve the average income or lifestyle enjoyed by the rest of society.† (Leon-Guerrero, 2014, p 39) Our government has enacted two policies to measure poverty. The firstRead MorePoverty Of The United States Essay1369 Words   |  6 PagesPoverty within the United States is defined as â€Å"having an income below a federally determined poverty threshold. † Poverty thresholds were developed by the United States government in the 60s. Over time these thresholds are adjusted to account for inflation; it is typical to adjust the poverty threshold levels annually. They represent the government’s estimate of the point below which a family has insufficient resources to meet their basic needs. Any family with less income than that establishedRead MoreThroughout the centuries, social class and mobility has always been a big concern for Americans.1100 Words   |  5 Pagesto begin with, is defined as a movement, either upward or downward, in social class. The social mobility is greatly influenced by the level of openness within a society, in which a person can gain their soc ial status by their own efforts. We often think to ourselves that the United States is a place with a lot of social mobility and equal opportunities. However, that is ironically not true. According to a graph from a 2005 New York Times series on income mobility, the United States is ranked secondRead MoreSocial Exclusion857 Words   |  4 PagesIntroduction According to Barnes (2005), social exclusion is defined as the condition by which individuals in a given society are disadvantaged than others depending on who they are. The various reasons to why some individuals are disadvantaged than others include race, ethnicity, where they live or migrant status, sexual orientation, descent, caste, age, gender, HIV status, disability (Barnes, 2005). Discrimination takes place in public institutions, for instance, in health and educational servicesRead MoreEffects Of Poverty On Human Development771 Words   |  4 PagesPoverty can be defined in a variety of ways. However, it is certain that there is no definite definition alone that would equally suffice to be the meaning of poverty everywhere in the world. Poverty is something real and something that should not be ignored. To define poverty, we shall take in consideration its impact on human development as well as other factors, such as financial stability. Poverty should be defined not only by how it is measured but by how it co-exists with a delay or an impactRead MoreA High School Diploma Program1652 Words   |  7 Pagesin the United States in the year 2016. Or do they? Is it necessary to to get a high school diploma? As a country, we have made some progress diminishing educational barriers such as race, gender, and geography but poverty is still a barrier that can keep a young adult from graduating from high school and in turn, continue the cycle of poverty. Does getting a high school diploma have any effect on â€Å"generational poverty†? Poverty is defined as â€Å"the state of being extremely poor.† (Oxford 699)Read MoreGlobalization Is Not A New Concept1465 Words   |  6 Pagescalled â€Å"Globalization and the Least Developed Countries: Potentials and Pitfalls† that Globalization has become one of the most emotional word like communism or capitalism. In some simple language the impact or importance of globalization on poverty and inequality can be explained in many ways. As Globalization is important part of world economy and because of this world economy is changing rapidly. Economists define it as the free movement of goods, services, labor and capital across borders. GlobalizationRead MoreThe Millenium Declaration Goals 20001758 Words   |  7 PagesThe Millennium Declaration Goals 2000, In which the world 189 part nations unanimously consented to help the poor nations of the world to attain a finer life before the end of year 2015. In this Millennium Declaration, It was chosen by the world pio neers to outline a system for advancement embodying eight Millennium Development Goals (MDG’s): 1. Eradication of extreme poverty and hunger 2. Achievement of universal primary education 3. Promotion of gender equality and empowerment of women, 4.Read MoreA High School Diploma Program1652 Words   |  7 Pagesin the United States in the year 2016. Or do they? Is it necessary to to get a high school diploma? As a country, we have made some progress diminishing educational barriers such as race, gender, and geography but poverty is still a barrier that can keep a young adult from graduating from high school and in turn, continue the cycle of poverty. Does getting a high school diploma have any effect on â€Å"generational poverty†? Poverty is defined as â€Å"the state of being extremely poor.† (Oxford 699)

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Hero Of The Epic Of Gilgamesh - 911 Words

modern culture we are used to the stereotypical, sympathetic hero; the Batmans and Supermans who lose their parents in tragic circumstances and devote their lives to vanquishing evil. That however, is not the way heroes have always been portrayed. When we look at The Epic of Gilgamesh we see the archetype of every hero since, however, we are not overcome with a desire to see Gilgamesh succeed. On the hand, if we fast forward two thousand years and look at a hero from Africa named Sundiata who is very similar to Gilgamesh in many aspects, we do have desire for Sundiata’s success. Why do we root for one hero while casting away the other? It has to do with the way perceive that hero and their values as well as how we perceive the conditions each hero is faced with. If we can picture Sundiata as the evolution of Gilgamesh we see the differences and similarities between the two as culture moves toward embracing the sympathetic hero. The Epic of Gilgamesh is estimated to be about three thousand years old while the story of Sundiata is roughly one thousand years old; this gives us an ample time frame to compare the two. In order to do that we must first compare the conditions in which each are raised and how they handle the situation they are in. To start with we know nothing of Gilgamesh’s birth or childhood just that he is now king and described as being two-thirds divine and one-third human (Gilgamesh 38). We get a sense that there is supernatural machinery at play in SundiataShow MoreRelatedEpic Of Gilgamesh : The Epic Hero1641 Words   |  7 PagesGilgamesh is an ancient Mesopotamian hero, featured in the famous tale of â€Å"The Epic of Gilgamesh†, who embarks on a perilous quest for immortality. This idea, â€Å"†¦touches on the most fundamental questions of what it actually means to be human†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Homer 33), and gives us light into the minds of the people during the era. Gilga mesh’s tale gives us a glimpse at how the people of that day viewed a â€Å"hero†, and allows us to reflect upon what we consider a â€Å"hero† today. Using the Epic Hero Cycle, I will analyzeRead MoreThe Hero Of The Epic Of Gilgamesh1759 Words   |  8 Pages In the â€Å"Epic of Gilgamesh†, it is easy to conclude that Gilgamesh, the protagonist of the story, is the hero. In â€Å"Like Mayflies in a Stream†, Gilgamesh is merely a scary person who appears in the story here or there rather than being the protagonist. Instead, Shamhat is the main person that the story focuses on, but the book is imprecise on one hero of the entire story. There are numerous characters that could reflect hero aspects such as going on a quest, having another to help guide them, or facingRead MoreThe Epic Of Gilgamesh : The Jeopardy Of A Hero1271 Words   |  6 PagesThe Jeopardy of a Hero The Epic of Gilgamesh was an epic poem from ancient Mesopotamia. The Epic of Gilgamesh, is often known as the earliest surviving great work of literature, by an unknown author but translated by N.K. Sanders. The epic poem, tells a creative story about a bold hero named Gilgamesh. The Epic of Gilgamesh is a story that takes place in Summer of Uruk, in the Middle East around 2700 B.C. Gilgamesh is half man, half god. Enkidu, Gilgamesh’s friend is a man that was created fromRead MoreEpic of Gilgamesh: a Hero Essay1615 Words   |  7 PagesStill, there is a great difficulty that lies in defining what a hero truly is. Strength alone does not make a hero; nor does intelligence. Moreover, the Epic of Gilgamesh truly defines the definition of a hero. Gilgamesh is portrayed as a true hero through his skill, intelligence, willingness to die, reverence, and his respect for death. Throughout the entire epic, Gilgamesh demonstrates outrageous skill as a warrior and leader. â€Å"Gilgamesh is strong to perfection.† â€Å"He is an awesome beast with unmatchedRead MoreThe Characteristics Of A Hero Journey In The Epic Of Gilgamesh1035 Words   |  5 PagesIt it no surprise that the hero story is present in a variety of the arts ranging from the earliest surviving work of literature, to children’s books, to modern day motion picture masterpieces. The characteristics of a hero have withstood the test of time, and remained remarkably similar. Traits of a modern day hero can be traced back to â€Å"The Epic of Gilgamesh† which dates back to two-thousand BC. This reflects the power of a hero and its message that it portrays to audiences of all ages and backgroundsRead MoreA Hero in the Epic of Gilgamesh and The Novel Monkey1858 Words   |  8 Pages Hero is a word that is commonplace in our society. We seem to always be able to turn on the lates t news story and find the newest local man who saved that beautiful kitten from that building that was burning down. When we say hero a vast array of different definitions come to people’s minds. Our definition of hero in our world is most definitely not a constant. In the Epic of Gilgamesh and the novel Monkey many would consider the main characters and their strongest companions nothing close toRead MoreThe Hero s Journey From The Epic Of Gilgamesh942 Words   |  4 Pages Gilgamesh was a powerful king of Uruk an ancient city in Sumer now known as Iraq. Created by the gods, Gilgamesh was 2/3 god and 1/3 man he thought of himself as undefeatable, and carried himself immorally, taking advantage of his people. Being tired of this the people of Uruk began sobbing, and the goddess Aruru heard their cries and created Gilgamesh s equal Enkidu. Together they would go on to venture into battles, one of which leads to the death of Enkidu that brings Gilgamesh to his veryRead Mor e Comparing the Hero in Epic of Gilgamesh and Homers Iliad Essay730 Words   |  3 PagesThe Hero in Epic of Gilgamesh and the Iliad    One and the same lot for the man who hangs back and the man who battles hard. The same honor waits for the coward and the brave. They both go down to Death, the fighter who shirks, the one who works to exhaustion. (IX,385-88) Thus muses Achilles, one of epic poetrys greatest heroes. Epic poetry, one of the earliest forms of literature, began as an oral narration describing a series of mythical or historic events. EventuallyRead MoreOdysseus Or Gilgamesh - Will The Real Epic Hero Please Stand Up?1640 Words   |  7 PagesOdysseus or Gilgamesh - Will the real Epic Hero please stand up? â€Å"Gilgamesh went to the entrance into the mountain and entered the darkness alone, without a companion. By the time he reached the end of the first league the darkness was total, nothing behind or before. He made his way, companionless, to the end† (Book 9 p. 51, The Epic of Gilgamesh). In The Epic of Gilgamesh, an epic poem translated by N.K. Sanders, Gilgamesh is a character who is by all accounts an epic hero. As a person of nobilityRead More Creation, Flood and the Hero in Epic of Gilgamesh and Book of Genesis of the Christian Bible1020 Words   |  5 PagesCreation, Flood and the Hero in Gilgamesh and the Bible    The Epic of Gilgamesh compares to the Bible in many different ways. The epic has a different perspective than the Bible does. This paper is a contrast and comparison between the two books. The three main points of this paper will be the Creation, Flood and the Hero.    The way these two books start out is creation. This is the first similarity that we can state. God created man out of the earth, â€Å"In the beginning God created

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Communication in Business for Conflict Management- myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theCommunication in Business for Conflict Management. Answer: Introduction The report is the reflective journal and discusses the communication in business. There are two topics taken from the course and experiences of these services have been recorded. The report is the view to enhancing the skills and knowledge in the context of the subject. It is constructed for increasing the learning and improving the performance of the students. The ideas and opinion of the students are marked to analyze what understanding they develop. The two topics selected are conflict management and social media. Conflict management has been explained and the ways to resolve the conflict will be quoted. For that, an event of the college is explained. Then the interpretation and evaluation of both the topic have been done. The reflection, queries and future perspective have been elucidated keeping in view the conflict management and social media. Social media is the great idea to flourish the business and gain the consumer base. Overall, the report deals with the knowledge and awareness that one should have. Also, the view was to develop the understanding and own perspective of seeing the things and act accordingly in the future. Conflict Management The service sector is the area where the most commonly occurring issues are the unhappy customers. The conflict arises due to the dissatisfaction among the customers or the needs are not fulfilled. The desires and demands vary from person to person and therefore it becomes the critical task to accomplish everyones need and one cannot give the statements like it was customers mistake or thats not fair on the part of consumer because consumers are always superior (Kessels, 2016). Describing the event I participated in the college event and was the part of the inter-college team and went to another college as a representative. The quiz competition was to be held and extempore was going on at that moment of time. What I could analyze from the scenario was the management skills of the college and the support of students; the way they handle the crowd and the manner they volunteered other students like us. They were peaceful and friendly handling all the situations and the program was on the track (Einarsen et al, 2016). The sudden conflict between this was seen by the students yet from another college and they were disrespecting and howling on the host volunteers on not welcoming and providing the adequate space. Though the volunteers were allotting the seats as they were instructed the situation got worsened and one of their staff had to come and deal with the situation. The faculty not only supported their students but also genuinely handled the situation by making those students comfortable at their seats using the polite and respectful language and better communication. This flashed the good management image of the college and the way professor motivated the students and simultaneously resolved the conflict in a peaceful manner just by using few polite words was adorable (Beitler et al, 2016). Interpretation and evaluation of situation On analyzing the entire solution it could be interpreted that conflict management needs to be focused not only theoretically but practically as well. Such an event helps the student like us to know how the things are managed, management does not mean to go smooth but the better management is how you hold back the situation when it gets worsened. It was learned that in an organization the conflicts are likely to occur and the prime responsibility of the company is to satisfy the customer and in doing so many times the employee's fault is been calculated as the customers cannot be blamed. From the above situation though it was on the small scale learning grows from the base only. It changes my perspective in the manner that the teacher not only helped the guest from the other college and calms them down in a soothing manner through better communication but also supported their very own students who were volunteering and encouraged them as well to boost up the morale (Canary Weger, 201 6). The power of communication and genuine body language is learned through it. The effective communication and use of wise words could resolve the adverse situation and the dual motives get fulfilled simultaneously and this is what effective management is and how the conflicts could be resolved. In the organizations as well if the manager adopts the particular conflict resolution strategies it would result in better employee performance and gain the customer loyalty as well (Kirk, 2017). Importance of these learnings The importance of this learning is that it will help me in the near future when I will be in the competitive market and will be working in the organization. Earlier my thoughts to conflict management was to have the particular cell who solves the grievance and the customers are convinced on the high notice and just for their satisfaction the employee though being correct at his/her part was made to apologise so that the happy customers are gained, in doing so the respect and worth of the employees gets lost somewhere (Fisher, 2016). This situation was not only good source of information for me but also for those students to whom the teacher supported. The question arises that will it be possible to implement the same in the real world? Do the organizations support their staff in a similar way? On researching it was found that big organization follows the similar criteria, they scold or make the employees learn about the things in person over the desk but in front of the guests, they are highly supported to reflect the positive and united image to the customers. Choosing the effective communication skills and other forms of gestures and body language could be used to convince the customer and through mutual understanding between employer-employee, the circumstances could be peacefully handled. If in future I got to be the part of organisation I would rather choose these short and sweet tricks to resolve the conflict and for this appropriate analysis and evaluation of situation will be done and the person involved in conflict will be made to learn things in private and I will support my staff in public to enhance the employee engagement and organisational commitment of the employees (McKibben, 2017). Social Media Information technology has taken over the market in the past 20 years and the development has been noted in the term of social media. The expansion of social media is spreading with the great pace and technology is playing the vital role in increasing the contacts and connections of people. It has become beneficial from the point of view of the business as it eases the promotional policies and the business could be growing its branches over the social media (Gaitho, 2017). Describing the event As quoted in social media is the good source of marketing. One of such events is the exhibition cum sale program to be organized in the college premises to make students gain the practical knowledge of mark1et and how the deals are done and adequate sales profit maximisation are accomplished. In order to invite more and more people, the promotion was made on the social media using the social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook and other relevant sites (Erickson, 2011). The glimpses of the event were shared and before the final date the registration for the stalls were made and the hike promotions were made. The schemes were attached to the products and even the sponsorship was asked and using the social media and demonstrating the importance and benefits of sponsorship to the people. The experience there was unique; many people came with the reference of things posted on the social media and the experienced candidates appreciated the efforts made by commenting on it and applaudi ng personally at the exhibition. The marketing tactics were made to learn by the professors and the power of social media was realized when our material that we created and were exhibiting was uploaded on YouTube and people were calling to inquire about our product which was created by using the waste material. It gave the idea of starting up the business of creating wows from the wastes (Kaur, 2016). Interpretation and evaluation of situation From the above event, it could be analyzed that with the use of social media even the new business could be established overseas with very minimal investment. Now days people are highly active on the social media and prefer the online shopping as it saves the time and varieties are made available on just one click which could be opted as the good manner to make the start-up. My idea was preparing the home dcor out of the waste material to convert the waste into wow. Even our stall was named as Waste to Wow where the essential and beautiful things were made available at the minimal rate. People were highly attracted to our products and were asking how we made such an effective thing. The real power of social media was realized that day when people clicked and posted our products on the social sites and YouTube and we were getting the orders over the call. Even there were calls for the sponsorship, even our own sponsors were happy enough with our work and offered us the investment as o ur plan was not only recycled but helping the environment and supporting the social cause as well. Some of the NGO get to know about the product and they gave the orders to supply the products to poor people as well. I gained many ideas and schemes which if connected could help the business acquire popularity and result in maximising sales and increasing the profits thereby (Thakur, Singh Singh, 2016). Importance of these learnings The event gave lots of learnings in context of the appropriate use of social media. Before this day it was the source of collecting newsfeed and sharing of thoughts. But it could be so effectively used for the business enhancement is learned on the day when my products gained such a tremendous popularity. The magic of social media helped me select the field of interest and clarify the thought on starting the business (Effing Spil, 2016). I had the interaction with the business person and sponsors at the exhibition and my query as to how to target the market? How the positioning could be done and what pricing strategies should I adopt? The experts rendered there advice to target the NGO at the initial level and mark the minimal profit margin at the initial point so that bulk orders could be collected. The knowledge enhancement was made on how to connect with the people with your business. The survey stated that 78% small business flourishes on the social media and attracts the niche market to gain optimum positioning (Growth gurus, 2017). Conclusion It could be concluded that theoretically things may be understood but only the practical exposure explains the situation better. The topics selected are conflict management and social media which are a crucial point to be understood before stepping in the real competitive world. Firstly the conflict management has been learned through the event organized in the inter-college activities and its description and interpretation have been given along with the reflection of the situation the queries and the new opinions developed have been discussed and similarly, the social media case has been elucidated and learning upon it is developed. The outcomes were wonderful and the path for a career has been decided to ensure the future. References Beitler, L. A., Beitler, L. A., Machowski, S., Machowski, S., Johnson, S., Johnson, S., Zapf, D. (2016). Conflict management and age in service professions.International Journal of Conflict Management. 27(3). 302-330. Canary, D. J., Weger, H. (2016). Competence in Conflict Management.The International Encyclopedia of Interpersonal Communication. Effing, R., Spil, T. A. (2016). The social strategy cone: Towards a framework for evaluating social media strategies.International journal of information management,36(1), 1-8. 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